Majority of owners use electric vehicle as primary car

The plug-in epidemic is spreading: Electric cars now primary vehicles Nine out of 10 owners said plug-in vehicles represent their primary ride — though almost all had a second, conventional car, according to a survey with more than 1,400 respondents released this month. Monthly mileage averaged about 800 — the equivalent of almost 10,000 miles a year. …

Research: nutrient levels in U.S. food supply are dropping

I’ve written a lot about the benefits of shopping entirely at farmers markets, the difference between organic/GMO/seasonal, and how food is more important than working out. These topics have interested many people with many asking for more data. Here is one piece, possibly the most important in explaining our obesity epidemic. The findings reveal farming practices …

The key to losing weight – the mindless margin

In writing the last post on WordPress development, I came across an interesting lesson on food. Here is Matt Mullenweg on the book, Mindless Eating: “It’s not actually a book about food, it’s a book about people. About the human condition and human behaviors. I love food because it’s intrinsic to the human experience, it brings us …

Summary of Matt Mullenweg’s – State of the Word 2012

In early August, 2012, Matt Mullenweg delivered his sixth State of the Word, giving us an update on all things WordPress. An interesting talk because WordPress is the dominate platform for bloggers, it powers 17% of the internet, and is the software I use for this blog. Unfortunately, there are no summaries of the talk, …

“Our first attempt to take man to another heavenly body” – Neil Armstrong tribute

An amazing tribute video to Neil Armstrong composed of archival video and audio from NASA. From Science Friday: Put together by Stephen Slater, is not just an excellent tribute to the first man to walk on the moon, but it’s also a nostalgic snapshot of the early days of America’s manned space program.     …

Surf City Surf Dog event – Sep 28-30, 2012

Surf City is putting on an awesome event for surf dogs. Taking place over three days in September, 28-30, 2012, it includes a surf dog competition and other fun events, like a pet fashion show and dog toy expo. The full schedule:   Friday 6 – 8:00 PM – The Shorebreak Hotel 6 PM – …

Finding the best food – what do they really mean, organic, GMO, and seasonal?

There is a lot of confusion about healthy, high-quality food. Does organic mean high-quality? What does genetically modified (GMO) mean? What about fruits and vegetables in supermarkets? The explanation starts with organic food. This is a farming method that focuses on the land, not food. Organic farming started in opposition to the use of chemical …

Map of coal and oil-fired power plants in the United States

In 2010, coal-fired power plants represented 45% of the electricity generated in the United States and oil a smaller amount, 1%. Combined together they are the dominant air polluters and facing tough new restrictions from the EPA. Unfortunately, they have a few years to clean-up and that doesn’t help if you live in one of …

The Zero Waste Dog – how to handle the poop

Dogs can be Zero Waste and it’s easier than you think. There are (3) things you need to consider: 1) the type of bag you use, 2) how to dispose of the waste, and 3) adjusting your feeding to minimize waste. The best doggy bag is a biodegradable one. They are easy to find at pet …

Set that bottle adrift…98-year old message in a bottle found

From the Smithsonian: Andrew Leaper, a Scottish skipper, has discovered the world’s oldest message in a bottle. He found the bottle while on the same fishing vessel where another mate had set the previous record, for a bottle that had been floating in the ocean for 92 years and 229 days. Now, Leaper has broken his …