Earlier this morning, mobile phone carrier Sprint released its 10-K filing with the SEC for the fiscal year ending in December. In the filing, it revealed that it had made a commitment with Apple to purchase a minimum number of iPhones from Apple amounting to $15.5B in outlay. Horace Dediu of Asymco makes a good …
Monthly Archives: February 2012
Wanna stay competitive in today’s cell phone market? – Then buy 24 million iPhones
Earlier this morning, mobile phone carrier Sprint released its 10-K filing with the SEC for the fiscal year ending in December. In the filing, it revealed that it had made a commitment with Apple to purchase a minimum number of iPhones from Apple amounting to $15.5B in outlay. Horace Dediu of Asymco makes a good …
Happy Leap Day! – Here’s some little-known facts about leap years
You probably know that 2012 is a leap year. And that means that this year we get an extra day on February 29th. Well, leaplings (people born on Leap Year Day of a previous year) finally get to celebrate their actual birthday. Epipheo shows you how, based on astronomy, the Gregorian Calendar uses leap year …
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A documentary on the next big thing in gaming – Independent developers of 2-3 people
Great things are continuing to come out of Kickstarter, especially their huge jump in funding and million dollar projects. Here is another one: Indie Game: The Movie A behind the scenes look at the tiny, passionate teams of imaginative programmers and level designers who spend years and thousands of dollars slaving away towards realizing lifelong …
Advanced Moneyball statistics for the 2012 Baseball season – WAR, FIP, and OPS
Moneyball (the movie) introduced the basic concept of advanced statistical analysis to a mainstream audience. Now that we’re talking about advanced stats (short-handed as sabermetrics, thanks to Bill James of the Society for American Baseball Research) and great sites like Baseball Prospectus and FanGraphs, let’s take a closer look. OPS (On-Base Plus Slugging) This …
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Google challenges any hacker to take down Chrome – "I am the king of the world!"
Google Will Offer $1 Million In Rewards For Hacking Chrome For the last three years, Google’s Chrome browser has left the world’s premiere hacking competition unscathed, even as Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari have all been taken down. Google announced Monday evening that it’s offering up to a million dollars in rewards at the annual …
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Google challenges any hacker to take down Chrome – “I am the king of the world!”
Google Will Offer $1 Million In Rewards For Hacking Chrome For the last three years, Google’s Chrome browser has left the world’s premiere hacking competition unscathed, even as Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari have all been taken down. Google announced Monday evening that it’s offering up to a million dollars in rewards at the annual …
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Have you heard of the California Delta? – A summary of the issues and politics
86% of Southern Californians are unaware of the Delta Nearly four out of five Californians do not know what the Delta is, despite the fact that the estuary of 1,000 square miles provides drinking water for cities from San Jose to San Diego. Asked in a new statewide poll to share what, if anything, they …
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Space shot of eastern coast of United States at night
Eastern Coast of United States at Night Feb 6, 2012 — One of the Expedition 30 crew members aboard the International Space Station took this nighttime photograph of much of the eastern (Atlantic) coast of the United States. Large metropolitan areas and other easily recognizable sites from the Virginia/Maryland/Washington, D.C. area spanning almost to Rhode …
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Our natural sleeping pattern is two four hours periods, with 1-2 hours of leisure in-between
In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conducted an experiment in which a group of people were plunged into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. It took some time for their sleep to regulate but by the fourth week the subjects had settled into a very distinct sleeping pattern. They slept first …