Are you aware much of the U.S. is in a devastating drought?

From the Union-Tribune – Historic drought ripples across Southwest: It’s been a brutal summer…in the upper Colorado River basin. The drought that’s spanned the nation for months has wrung out the Rocky Mountain region where much of the West’s water is produced. Residents of northwestern Colorado are watching gardens fail, crops wither, forest fire threats grow, …

Have you tried opah? A sustainable, locally caught fish

My new favorite locally caught fish, the opah (also called moonfish), is a mystery. We know they weight 100+ pounds, are beautiful, and are becoming very popular. From Mike Lee: Opah have something of a cult following partly because of their tasty meat and partly because of their odd appearance. But, they are such a rare …

4 delicious recipes for summer tomatoes

Every year I grow a tomato plant and about this time, late summer, it produces way more than I can handle. At the farmers market, tomatoes are cheaper than ever as are complimentary ingredients like peppers, cilantro, basil, etc. Which always leaves me left with heaping bowls of tomatoes and until this year I was …

Don’t wash your hands with hot water – use cold water to save energy and water

More on saving water, from the N.Y. Times: In its medical literature, the Food and Drug Administration states that hot water comfortable enough for washing hands is not hot enough to kill bacteria, but is more effective than cold water because it removes oils from the hand that can harbor bacteria. But in a 2005 report in the …

David Plotz: political speeches should be TED Talks

Politicians should embrace the TED talk, from David Plotz: Presidential candidates tweet, text, email, post to Facebook with the frequency of randy 18-year-olds…But then the hour comes for the Big Speech, the most important moment of the campaign, and they walk behind a podium, stare into a TV camera, and read (and read and read) …

Stop wasting water in the shower! – Install a point-of-use tankless water heater

A great technology for water conservation is available called the point-of-use tankless water heater. These small box-like devices can be installed underneath the sink in a kitchen or bathroom. They offer a simple way to avoid running cold water for minutes while you wait for hot water. For showers, the EPA says the average output …

WordCamp – attend a WordPress mini-conference – #geek

With 17% of the web using WordPress it’s no wonder there is a WordCamp every week. More than that with 75 scheduled for this year. These ‘unconferences’ are informal gatherings of like-minded people from bloggers to developers to creatives. The content is based on those attending and has a heavy bias towards the local community. …

Julie Goldstein’s beautiful woodcut prints

  A friend introduced me to Julie Goldstein’s art and I am totally blown away. I love the strong colors, proportions and simple iconic images. From her bio: Julie’s art practice draws inspiration from the natural environment, the sea, surf culture, and experience from her travels. In multimedia works on paper and fabric, she mixes …