How could Apple spend its $51 billion cash?

The common advice would be to acquire some hot property like Twitter, Pandora, or Hulu. Doing so would satisfy Wall Street’s insatiable hunger for greedy growth, but wouldn’t be all that strategic. Another idea would be for Apple to invest in itself. A post over on Business Insider highlights this using a thread on Quora. …

What happened to the iPhone 5?

Between all the hype about iCloud, OSX Lion, and Apple’s WWDC 2011, something went missing. The next version of the iPhone, rumored to be called iPhone 5. So what happened to the iPhone 5? I’ve been crawling the internet everyday (see picture at right) for news and everything is mum. Not my Mom, she is …

Web vs Internet: The Future of Going Online

Here is an interesting debate between Josh Topolsky and MG Siegler talking about Apple’s new iCloud strategy. Josh is making the case that Apple is completely ditching the Internet, and MG is countering that Josh is missing the App revolution. — Josh: “When it comes to Apple, it feels to me like the company views …

The Future of the Queue

For the 5th Ignite DC, Steve submitted a proposal. It was accepted and he was asked to present at the event. Below are the full text of the proposal and a video of the talk. – Proposal Have you been to an Apple store lately and noticed that nobody is queuing? Their are no cash registers, …

Steve Jobs Health, Forced Sabbaticals, and His Brilliance

“No one wants to die,” said Steve Jobs. “And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for …