The technology community continues to reject Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs

The frustration with Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs continues. A week ago John Gruber pointed out a serious flaw in the biography and now Dave Winer and John Siracusa have joined in. Dave Winer writes: Choosing Walter Isaacson “was a terrible decision. My guess is that he didn’t put a lot of thought into the …

Favorite commercials: Samsung making fun of Apple fanboys and hipsters

Some hilarious quotes: “Why would they be leaving if we’re only 9 hours away” – “Yeah, I mean this is an event” “I could never get a Samsung…I’m creative.” — “Dude you’re a barista” “If it looks the same how will people know I upgraded?” “Can we see your phone…can I see it with my …

Apple Genius Tip: Never restore your iPhone from a back-up

The other day I was at the Apple Store with my mom to help her get the iPhone 4S. She asked the clerk-geek if she should restore her phone from her backup and he said “no.” We were shocked. Isn’t that the standard procedure. According to him, not anymore. With iCloud and iTunes syncing it …

Steve Jobs is a tweaker, according to his flawed biography

I’m hating the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson. It’s like an art novice trying to explain Monet’s brushstrokes. I’m not convinced that Mr. Isaacson understands the topic all that well. It almost seems that he rushed the book out after Steve’s passing. Finally, somebody respectable agrees with me, John Gruber of Daring Fireball, who calls …

Newsstand for iPad is really successful (at first)

Newsstand launched, the NYTimes for iPad app saw 189,000 new user downloads, up seven times from only 27,000 the week before, spokeswoman Danielle Rhoades Ha told me. That’s impressive, but it’s nothing compared to the NYTimes iPhone app, which saw 1.8 million new downloads that week, 85 times more than the 21,000 downloads the week …

Examples of what you can say to Siri on iOS 5 and iPhone 4S

When Apple announced the new iPhone the hubbub was over the hardware and the name (iPhone 4S and not iPhone 5). Then there was this little buzz about Siri that kept popping up. Most of us ignored the announcement because of all the (negative) hoopla around voice-recognition. Yet, many are predicting that this software, indeed …

Apple gestures…quietly revolutionary

Do you use Apple gestures, have you even heard of them? I was first introduced to them in January of 2008, when I became hipster #1 and bought the first MacBook Air. Now, three years and eight months later I am still barely using them. Of the available fourteen there are only three I regularly …