Celebrate the freedom to read – Banned Books Week – Sep 30 – Oct 6

  Everyday in America someone tries to ban a book. The American Library Association reports 326 challenges in 2011. A challenge is more than a person being annoyed with a book, it is a person telling the library they don’t want anyone else to read the book. That is censorship in its most basic form. …

Amazon releases a Kindle competitor to Instapaper, Pocket

There is a booming market for apps that allow you to read while offline. The two most popular of these apps, Instapaper and Pocket, let you save an article for later like on an airplane or in your underground nuclear bunker. Now, Amazon is entering the game by offering the same service for the Kindle. …

The rise of e-reading in America

28% of Americans age 18 and older own at least one specialized device for e-book reading – either a tablet or an e-book reader. The holiday season saw a huge boost in ownership for both e-readers and tablets. Both jumped 9%, meaning that nearly one in ten Americans received a device over the holidays. The …

Dr. Seuss quotes to live by (infograph)

1. Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is youer than you. 6. Think and wonder, wonder and think. 7. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way. 9. Think! You can think any think that you wish… 13. Sometimes the questions are complicated …

Since the recession began in 2006 – blogging has exploded, growing 500%

Do you ever wonder how many millions of people, before the days of the internet, kept journals? Do you think the numbers would compare to the millions who are now blogging, tweeting, and social networking… — On to the real story: Millions More Bloggers and Blog Readers Here is another interesting fact about the recession. …