R&D spending by the big three in smartphones – Nokia, Google, Apple

A fascinating graphic and the article it is pulled from.     Nokia led the wireless revolution in the 1990s and set its sights on ushering the world into the era of smartphones. Now that the smartphone era has arrived, the company is racing to roll out competitive products as its stock price collapses and …

Short films/commercials from Wes Anderson – starring Brad Pitt, Jason Schwartzman

Anderson starred in and directed an American Express “My Life, My Card” commercial, which chronicled the “filming” of an action movie starring Jason Schwartzman. Anderson acts as if he is being interviewed by someone from American Express for the ad, while walking around completing tasks on set, a scene paying homage to the movie “Day …

Cell phones for Senior Citizens

I love the idea of customizing cell phones for seniors. It is so annoying that they are often the target of over-priced landlines and other monthly service fees. Here are some cell phones made specifically for seniors: big buttons, big displays, and not-so-fragile.       Read the full article – The 5 Best Cell …

California traffic fatalities down 37% – lowest level since 1944

The California Office of Traffic Safety celebrated their fifth year of consecutive declines in traffic related fatalities. In 2010, the number of fatalities in the Golden State dropped to 2,715.  That is nearly a 12 percent drop from 3,081 traffic deaths in 2009.  And since the peak in 2005, with 4,333 deaths, California’s numbers have …

Wanna stay competitive in today's cell phone market? – Then buy 24 million iPhones

Earlier this morning, mobile phone carrier Sprint released its 10-K filing with the SEC for the fiscal year ending in December. In the filing, it revealed that it had made a commitment with Apple to purchase a minimum number of iPhones from Apple amounting to $15.5B in outlay. Horace Dediu of Asymco makes a good …

Wanna stay competitive in today’s cell phone market? – Then buy 24 million iPhones

Earlier this morning, mobile phone carrier Sprint released its 10-K filing with the SEC for the fiscal year ending in December. In the filing, it revealed that it had made a commitment with Apple to purchase a minimum number of iPhones from Apple amounting to $15.5B in outlay. Horace Dediu of Asymco makes a good …

Data shows smart phones will soon flood the world with pictures, video, and text messaging.

In the last data update, I revealed that social network usage is rising, especially in Russia and Egypt. A good sign for the citizens of those disrupted countries. Now, we have data on cell phone use and it clearly shows the rise of smart phones in both developed and undeveloped countries. Japan has the highest …