Occupy Asia – there are more millionaires in East Asia than North America

There are now more rich people in East Asia than in North America. Both have around 3 million millionaires and there are 11 million worldwide. But don’t forget about the little countries. Japan still has three times as many millionaires as China.     And, if the rest of Asia were to unite they would …

Apple the most valuable company ever – worth $619 billion

Apple Becomes Most Valuable Publicly-Traded Stock Ever Microsoft’s market capitalization peaked on December 30, 1999, reaching an intraday high of $119.94 per share. With Microsoft having documented 5,160,024,593 outstanding shares the company would have had a market capitalization of $618.89 billion on December 30. Apple’s most recent quarterly filing listed 937,406,000 outstanding shares as of …

Could Mexico grow bigger than Brazil in the next few decades?

What if Mexico were to become a bigger economy than Brazil? In recent years Brazil has outplayed Mexico, growing at 6% or more as Mexico bumped along in the slow lane. But lately that has changed. Last year Mexico grew by 4% and Brazil by 2.7%. This year Mexico is expected to get close to …

Astronomers discover black hole with 140 trillion times more water than Earth

Two teams of astronomers have discovered the largest and farthest reservoir of water ever detected in the universe. The water, equivalent to 140 trillion times all the water in the world’s ocean, surrounds a huge, feeding black hole, called a quasar, more than 12 billion light-years away. “The environment around this quasar is very unique …

Jesus saves, Moses lends, Muhammad invests – Islamic finance accounts for 1 trillion in banking

“The interesting thing about Islam,” says Professor Constant Mews, “is that it was a much more commercial culture from the outset than Christianity.” And from around the middle of the eighth century to the middle of the 13th, while European Christians were struggling through the Dark Ages, the Islamic world enjoyed a golden age. Arab …

America regains the title of ‘fastest supercomputer on the planet’

Every six months, Earth’s biggest supercomputers have a giant race to see which can lay claim to being the world’s fastest high-performance computing cluster. In the latest Top 500 Supercomputer Sites list unveiled Monday morning, a newly assembled cluster built with IBM hardware at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) takes the top prize. …

Bush’s deficit spending 5 trillion, Obama’s deficit spending 1.4 trillion…so far

Found this piece on Facebook’s Top Political Articles of 2011. It’s from Ezra Klein in July, 2011, but still timely. Both President Obama and President Bush have added to the deficit, but Bush is still the clear big spender.     Maybe we should give Obama some more time. You know politicians do like to …

Bush's deficit spending 5 trillion, Obama's deficit spending 1.4 trillion…so far

Found this piece on Facebook’s Top Political Articles of 2011. It’s from Ezra Klein in July, 2011, but still timely. Both President Obama and President Bush have added to the deficit, but Bush is still the clear big spender.     Maybe we should give Obama some more time. You know politicians do like to …