R&D spending by the big three in smartphones – Nokia, Google, Apple

A fascinating graphic and the article it is pulled from.     Nokia led the wireless revolution in the 1990s and set its sights on ushering the world into the era of smartphones. Now that the smartphone era has arrived, the company is racing to roll out competitive products as its stock price collapses and …

China's military continues to grow – spending tops $100 billion for the first time

China announced an 11.2% increase in its defense budget for 2012. For the first time, China’s defense spending will top $100 billion At a news conference Sunday, Li Zhaoxing, a spokesman for the congress, announced the $110-billion budget, while stating that the spending “constitutes no threat to other countries.’’ “You can see that we have …

China’s military continues to grow – spending tops $100 billion for the first time

China announced an 11.2% increase in its defense budget for 2012. For the first time, China’s defense spending will top $100 billion At a news conference Sunday, Li Zhaoxing, a spokesman for the congress, announced the $110-billion budget, while stating that the spending “constitutes no threat to other countries.’’ “You can see that we have …

Adsense funds creativity – big time! – Online advertisers spending 100s of millions

I pay attention to advertiser spending because it’s how I make my living. It’s also how Google has come to dominate the world, making $3 billion a month on advertising. Which makes it all the more interesting to see who is funding all this. Here is the top ten list, in millions. The top spender …