Amazon restarts the serial novel genre – with Charles Dickens and a Yoga murder mystery

I love that Amazon is rekindling the newspaper subscription through the e-reader. It invokes an image of reading the newspaper in the morning, with my coffee and family at the table. But replace the newspaper with a Kindle and does it still work? If you’re a digital geek of course. And the beauty of online …

Have you seen Sneakers? – The classic spy thriller starring Robert Redford

I can’t imagine a better way to introduce the movie, Sneakers: It’s hard for me to choose a favorite Sneakers character—there so many great ones. Even the movie’s secondary players are rendered in just enough detail to give them dimension: I love the pretentiousness of Janek, the mathematician who builds the decryption device; the unctuousness (want a …

“Leeroy Jenkins” meme from World of Warcraft – reimagined as a heist film

Even if you have only a passing familiarity with the massive multiplayer online game World of Warcraft, you’re probably aware of “Leeroy Jenkins,” a comedy sketch/meme/recreation of real events about an oblivious player who dooms his teammates charging into a battle (video here, watch this first if you’ve never seen it). For the CFC Worldwide …