Personal story from a mom who stopped using toothpaste to get rid of cavities

The first thing to say is that she had dentist approval. She also had her kids stop eating processed sugar. And that might’ve been the reason the cavities stopped, but she was a healthy mom to begin with. The results were a big success, from No Toothpaste, No Cavities: Before we stopped toothpaste, and before …

Is there sugar in toothpaste?

There can’t be sugar in toothpaste. The dentists wouldn’t allow it. Indeed, the American Dental Association (ADA) says: No ADA-Accepted toothpaste contains sugar or any other ingredient that would promote tooth decay. But notice the qualification, “or any other ingredient.” This refers to sweeteners and toothpaste does contain sweeteners. From the preceding sentence, toothpaste includes: …

Homemade organic toothpaste: baking soda and water (that’s it!)

A few months ago I made the switch from store toothpaste to the homemade version. There were so many recipes available on the internet that it was hard to find the right one. After several months of experimenting I’ve found the perfect recipe: Baking Soda + Water I can’t believe it either, but it works …

Homemade organic toothpaste: baking soda and water (that's it!)

A few months ago I made the switch from store toothpaste to the homemade version. There were so many recipes available on the internet that it was hard to find the right one. After several months of experimenting I’ve found the perfect recipe: Baking Soda + Water I can’t believe it either, but it works …