Epic Photo: the anatomy of the Incredible Hulk

click for full size image (and then zoom to read text)   I drew this fan art of Marvel Comics’ Incredible Hulk, dissected and analyzed. Here it is with a new lick of paint. At the time, I tried to draw on not only my mother’s nursing school anatomy textbooks, but also gorilla and hominid …

Whale Wars confronts slaughter of Pilot whales in the Faroe Islands

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, capitalizing on the tremendous success of their Animal Planet TV show, “Whale Wars,” has now taken on a new battle. With the Japanese fleet’s Antarctic hunt finished for the season, the skull-and-crossbones crew have turned their attention on the Faroe Islands with a new show: “Whale Wars: Viking Shores” In the …

Family History Day: a new American holiday

Would you like to celebrate a new holiday with me? I call it Family History Day, or Ancestors Day.  Let’s celebrate it right before Halloween with a variety of fun and somber rituals, pulled from the most popular festivals around the world: Qingming festival from East Asia Día de los Muertos from Mexico The rituals of Shinto …