For the first time, Korean Buddhism available to Western world

Never before has the buddhism of Korea been available to the West, until now. Scholars across America have united to translate a 13-volume anthology covering 1,700 years – and the entire guide is available online, free with a creative commons license. View all thirteen volumes here (scroll to bottom). More about this work, from the …

Kim Jong Un makes his first deal – halts nuclear program for food aid

North Korea’s offer to suspend uranium enrichment and allow international inspectors into the country breaks an impasse over its nuclear program… The announcement marks the first agreement between the United States and North Korea since February 2007, when Pyongyang agreed to begin disabling its nuclear complex in return for $400 million worth of fuel oil …

The Reunification of Korea – a brief history

1910 – Japan forcibly “annexes” Korea and ravages the country. Often banning the language, forcing Japanese names, labor camps, and, during World War II, a sex-slave trade. 1945 – World War II ends and Korea is split into two governing zones, the North by the Soviet Union and the South by the U.S. A problem …

Juche – it means shop local if you’re a North Korean Communist

The Juche Idea is a political thesis of Kim Il-sung, the founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which says that the Korean masses are the masters of the country’s development. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Kim elaborated the Juche Idea into a set of principles that the government uses to justify its policy decisions. Among these …

Juche – it means shop local if you're a North Korean Communist

The Juche Idea is a political thesis of Kim Il-sung, the founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which says that the Korean masses are the masters of the country’s development. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Kim elaborated the Juche Idea into a set of principles that the government uses to justify its policy decisions. Among these …