Sensors, Feedback Loops & The Humanity of Surveillance

In Wired’s July 2011 issue, it talks about how feedback loops are providing an exciting opportunity for changing human behavior, presenting the case of dynamic feedback displays, or driver feedback signs, where a speed limit is posted along with a radar sensor that reads your approaching speed and displays it on a digital sign. The …

Sensors, Feedback Loops & The Humanity of Surveillance

In Wired’s July 2011 issue, it talks about how feedback loops are providing an exciting opportunity for changing human behavior, presenting the case of dynamic feedback displays, or driver feedback signs, where a speed limit is posted along with a radar sensor that reads your approaching speed and displays it on a digital sign. The …

What happened to the iPhone 5?

Between all the hype about iCloud, OSX Lion, and Apple’s WWDC 2011, something went missing. The next version of the iPhone, rumored to be called iPhone 5. So what happened to the iPhone 5? I’ve been crawling the internet everyday (see picture at right) for news and everything is mum. Not my Mom, she is …

Web vs Internet: The Future of Going Online

Here is an interesting debate between Josh Topolsky and MG Siegler talking about Apple’s new iCloud strategy. Josh is making the case that Apple is completely ditching the Internet, and MG is countering that Josh is missing the App revolution. — Josh: “When it comes to Apple, it feels to me like the company views …

Our consumer-driven growth model is broken: Now what?

Last week at dinner, our friend (@doyendon) challenged 1X57 to find, or at least contemplate, a solution to consumer-based economies, aka contemporary capitalism, which is causing a global crisis of unconscionable proportions – with food and energy prices soaring, world populations surging, and weather-related disasters like tornadoes, tsunamis, droughts, fires and floods increasing in frequency and scale. In a …

Amazon is a buy, $AMZN

I’m not an stock analyst but I do like to trade and my specialty is tech. Specifically, trends in the industry and I think Amazon (AMZN) is trending for three reasons: warehouses, cloud, and e-books. Amazon’s core business model is to dominate the 174 billion dollar e-commerce industry. The growth for which is incredible, a …

Women Who Wiki Workshop

There’s an old proverb: Action is the proper fruit of knowledge – which is why 1X57 is offering a free workshop (drawing upon our days of running training for the Intellipedia Sabbatical) in DC next week for women and girls to learn how to edit and contribute to Wikipedia. Less than 13% of the Wikipedia editors …

2 Very Strong Words for Peter Corbett

After attending Thursday night’s 7th Ignite DC, I have two very strong words for Peter Corbett: THANK YOU. Closing the evening as the final talk, Peter reminded me and the other 300-some tech and innovation enthusiasts in the room that while DC may be, in Peter’s words, “the scrappiest mother fucking town,” we get shit …