Energy 101: Wind turbines, how those slow moving blades create electricity

“The same wind that used to pump water for cattle is now turning giant wind turbines to power cities and homes.” “The blades only turn about 18 RPM, not nearly fast enough to create electricity, so the rotor shaft spins a series of gears that increase the rotation up to 1800 RPM. At that speed …

“To make something great you have to be willing to throw away something good” – Steve Jobs (video)

Perfection, or rather the pursuit of perfection. It’s a quality that only the rarest individual can achieve. In my opinion, Steve Jobs came very close with many of his products, even though in the fast-pace world of technology they become dated just a few years later. To achieve this he would often talk about the …

"To make something great you have to be willing to throw away something good" – Steve Jobs (video)

Perfection, or rather the pursuit of perfection. It’s a quality that only the rarest individual can achieve. In my opinion, Steve Jobs came very close with many of his products, even though in the fast-pace world of technology they become dated just a few years later. To achieve this he would often talk about the …