Do young Americans want to work?

As in, get a job?

Despite all the haranguing on our economy and jobs market, why aren’t we talking more about the massive labor imbalance in our country?

A recent Rutgers University survey of 571 Americans who graduated from college between 2006 and 2010 found that only 53% held full-time jobs. And yet, it’s not hard to understand why. In 2009, of the 1,601,000 bachelor’s degrees conferred, the greatest numbers fell into the fields of business (348,000); social sciences and history (169,000) and health sciences (120,000).

I had to look up health science and found this description:

The health sciences are concerned with the development of knowledge and programs related to health and well being. Health science is also concerned with the study of leisure and cultural phenomena.

And just so we’re all on the same page, social sciences include: anthropology, archaeology, communication, criminology, political science, sociology and psychology.

I’m going to refrain from commenting on the social and health science and history majors and instead take a moment to focus on business majors. You would think having a prevalence of business majors would be a positive for our economy, but we first need people who can actually make something before we need the people to market, sell and manage it.

We are missing the makers (engineers and scientists), the people who have the skills and knowledge to create something.

The fact is, there are jobs in this country. According to the most recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over three million job opportunities are unfilled in the United States right now, the highest level in three years. And yet, in that same period we have produced the highest unemployment rate we’ve seen in over two decades.

I was at my alma mater (James Madison University) a few months ago and caught up with a former professor in the college of Integrated Science and Technology (ISAT) ; she told me that enrollment numbers in ISAT were the lowest they’ve ever been, even though these students are the most desirable and in demand by employers. Given the current economy and jobs market, I was a little shocked.

I’ll be honest here and say that when I was 17, college and majors didn’t consume my thoughts nearly as much as boys and field hockey. I went to JMU because it had the best field hockey program in the country. And my parents essentially chose my major for me. I was pretty ambivalent about what I wanted to do. There was lots that interested me (minus Accounting). At one point it was Law, another time English, I even considered Business. But my parents reasoned that I was good at math and science and the world needed more women in STEM, so I said sure, why not.

When I graduated, I had 15 job offers. Looking back, I’m certain my collegiate experience would have been a lot easier if I majored in something that didn’t require me to spend so much time in computer and science labs, but in this tech-centric day and age, I’m glad I left knowing how to program and build a website, amongst other things.

How many young Americans today think about employability? If you look at the degrees that are most likely to land a person a job, there seems to be a disconnect with the majors students are pursuing the most. Case in point,  in 2009, degrees in “parks, recreation, and leisure studies” saw a 43 percent increase. Yep, the things with budgets first to get cut in a recession are what students are flocking to.

I’m not saying people should neglect their true callings in life. In fact, I think the world benefits the most from the people who vigorously pursue their passions, including social psychology majors (who have the highest unemployability rate). But for those who aren’t so sure what path to pursue, wouldn’t it make sense to take a look around, at the state of the country, and consider majoring in something employable?

Incidentally, it seems the United States isn’t alone in its labor gap. A recent report from the British Chambers of Commerce reveals small businesses are frustrated at the quality of applicants, who they say can barely concentrate or add up. The report warns: ‘Too many people [are] coming out with fairly useless degrees in non-serious subjects.’

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  1. The majority of the young people with
    out college degrees
    in Ohio do not want to work. And if they do
    work only by their own rules rules.

    First they want to work for cash. So
    They do not loose their gov benefits.

    Second they want to make their own hours.
    And Leave early for birthday parties etc.

    I can offer them $8 an hour to $12 .
    It does not matter.

    Third they are on disability or trying
    to qualify for it.

    They want easy maybe part time money.

    I know one guy his mother wants him on
    Disability so he does not have to pay
    for his two one year old babies by
    different mother. His mother pays
    His child support. Evan though he has a
    Full time job.
    She is a nursing teacher and knows how to
    Word disability papers. The son now is
    Starting to believe he is too sick to work.

    Fourth. I cannot come to work because I
    Have to put hOurs in at the food bank.
    Or the welfare office.

    Fifth I cannot work because I was up all
    night stealing.

    Sixth. I cannot work because I have to go to
    The methadone clinic.

    Seventh. Always different reasons they are

    Eight. Have to go see my PO.

    Nine. I have to help someone else for
    no pay.

    Ten. This job is out of my field.

    Eleven. My mental illness run in the family
    And I take Valium and anti depressant because
    My spouse left me.

    I could go on and on why they cannot work.

  2. Армирование — это процесс внедрения арматуры в бетон для увеличения прочности железобетона и его устойчивости к изгибам, растяжениям и другим видам деформаций. Железобетон с арматурой широко используется в различных строительных проектах, таких как многоэтажные здания, мосты и инженерные сооружения. Без этого материала, укрепляющего бетон, невозможно строительство современных жилых, промышленных и инфраструктурных объектов.


  3. Стальной двутавр — это фасонный металлопрокат с Н-образным сечением поперечного профиля. Он изготавливается горячекатаным способом из углеродистых или низколегированных сталей при температуре 1200°C по стандарту ГОСТ 8239-89

  4. Класс А400 и А500 — самые распространенные виды арматуры, используемые для усиления бетонных конструкций, испытывающих высокие нагрузки. Такая арматура применяется в фундаментных плитах, перекрытиях, колоннах и балках.

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