AIDS is cured, here's why

It’s the 30th anniversary of the AIDS epidemic and the world agrees we are at a turning point. The disease that affects 34 million people around the world (1.2 million in the US) can be cured. The drug cocktail that virtually erases the effect of HIV and allows folks to live a long life is …

AIDS is cured, here’s why

It’s the 30th anniversary of the AIDS epidemic and the world agrees we are at a turning point. The disease that affects 34 million people around the world (1.2 million in the US) can be cured. The drug cocktail that virtually erases the effect of HIV and allows folks to live a long life is …

Among the Ancients

Of all the literary themes out there trees happen to be one of my favorite. One of the best authors in this genre is, surprisingly, fantasy giant J.R.R. Tolkein. In his series of novels, The Lord of The Rings, he goes on endlessly about trees giving them an entire culture and personifying them with eyes, mouths, …

Hot movies to see this summer

The line-up for this summer’s blockbusters is looking really good…if you’re a male geek. Here’s my top 11 (w/ trailers and release dates) Harry Potter – the final movie Cowboys and Aliens Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop Super 8 Rise of the Planet of the Apes Captain America Winnie the Pooh TrollHunter Mr. Popper’s Penguin Transformers: …

A bunch of nerdy interviews

Are you a nerd? It’s okay don’t answer. No need. We control the internets and establish what is cool. No matter what everyone else thinks. Let’s just develop, design, and build away. Bit by bit we take over the world. To help us along there is this really interesting site called the The Setup (aka …

X-Men: First Class – hotness

All I needed to hear was that Kevin Bacon is in the movie. He’s playing against the two most powerful characters in the X-Men world (Professor Xavier, Magneto) as Sebastian Shaw. A world-class tycoon and his power is an ability to absorb and then use any sort of unleashed energy (any energy, even a nuclear bomb). …

Kanji and the art of calligraphy

The Japanese name for calligraphy is sho do, which most directly translates as “way of writing”. — I really want to go to Japan but not because I want to go on vacation. I want to go for the Imperial Gardens and the tasty noodles. You could say that I am utterly fascinated with this …

Very Wise: A Political Statement, of Sorts

I found this from one of my favorite leaders and her blog the Recovering Fed: “…I have over the years developed a very small brand as a senior government executive who really believes in social media and the need to reconceptualize the concept of work. And let me tell you…I really believe in the transformative …

You might be a futurist if…

You find the now so yawn…what’ll be hot in a few months from now meh…transporters and nanobots and the singularity can’t get here soon enough. In all seriousness (not that I was joking in the previous paragraph), I think futurists, and futurism, scare a lot of people. And it’s not because futurism challenges deeply held …