Who are the best in DC Tech?

Have you ever met one of those PhD’s from a third world country. You know someone that used to be well-esteemed and then their country fell apart. So when you meet them they are working as a security guard but telling you stories about human genomics?

That’s kinda how I feel leaving the Intelligence Community. For years I have been laboring away inside their networks, building them, growing communities, and finding success. Now I am leaving, branching out into the wider world.

My first step is to survey the DC Tech scene. I’ve found that the Facebook group DC Tech is pretty much awesome and we are on the verge of having our own twitter hashtag #DCTech.

To go beyond that I had to hit the numbers to see who’s dominating:

Top Twitterati in DC (by followers)

  1. Walt Mossberg (120k)
  2. Alex Howard (49k)
  3. Mark Drapeau (17k)
  4. Angie Goff (14k)
  5. Allyson Kapin (14k)

Top DC Tech Website ($)

  1. Viget Labs (58k)
  2. TechCocktail ($35k)
  3. Nclud ($21k)
  4. Jess3 (17k)
  5. iStrategyLabs (13k)

*website worth from cubestat.com

Top DC Tech Website (by Alexa rank)

  1. TechCocktail (16k)
  2. Viget Labs (29k)
  3. Jess3 (59k)
  4. Geoff Livingston (77k)
  5. iStrategyLabs (90k)

Top Women in DC Tech


  1. Angie Goff and Allyson Kapin (both have 14k)
  2. Debbie Weil (9k)
  3. Jill Johnson (8k)
  4. Kate Michaels and Pamela Sorenson (both at 4k)


  1. Angie Goff (top website in Alexa rank)
  2. City Girl Blogs (2nd best Alexa rank)
  3. Pamela Sorenson (top website value in $$)
  4. Debbie Weil (2nd best website value in $$)

Full List (in alphabetical order)

Alex Howard writing on Gov 2.0 at Oreilly Radar

All Things D by Walt Mossberg

City Girl Blogs

CTO Vision by Bob Gourley

Debbie Weil

  • Alexa Rank #299,243
  • 1,731 subscribers in Google Reader at 0.5 posts/week
  • Website worth: $9,719
  • Twitter – @DebbieWeil: 9,561

Eye Traffic by Andrew Bates

Geoff Livingston

InfoVegan by Clay Johnson

  • Alexa Rank #1,073,678
  • 705 subscribers in Google Reader at 0.2 posts/week
  • Website worth $2,041
  • Twitter – @cjoh: 4,136

iStrategyLabs by Peter Corbett

  • Alexa Rank of #248,215 – “visitors tend to consist of childless, highly educated, higher-income women between the ages of 25 and 45. We estimate that 57%”
  • 52 subscribers in Google Reader at 0.5 posts/week
  • Website worth: $13,400
  • Twitter – @corbett3000: 6,910
  • Facebook likes: 1,237

Jess3 by Jesse Thomas and Leslie Bradshaw

  • Alexa Rank of #131,274 – “audience tends to consist of highly educated, childless men earning over $60,000”
  • 170 subscribers in Google Reader at 7.0 posts/week
  • Website worth: $16,800
  • Twitter – @jess3: 6,373
  • Facebook likes: 897

K Street Kate by Kate Michaels

Live Your Talk by Jill Johnson

Nclud by Marty Ringlein and Alex Giron

  • Alexa Rank #121,361
  • 84 subscribers in Google Reader at 1.2 posts/week
  • Website worth: $20,643
  • Twitter – @Nclud: 1,015
  • Facebook likes: 96

OhMyGoff.tv by Angie Goff

  • Alexa Rank – #150,295
  • 30 subscribers in Google Reader at 12.6 posts/week
  • Website worth $2,551
  • Twitter – @ohmygoff: 13,821
  • Facebook likes: 7,577

Pamela’s Punch by Pamela Sorenson

Pink Line Project by Philippa Hughes

Sector: Public by Mark Drapeau

Shashi.name by Shashi Bellamkonda

  • Alexa rank #2,052,581
  • 87 subscribers in Google Reader at 9.6 posts/week
  • Twitter – @shashib: 12,222

Shepherd’s Pi by Lewis Shepherd

  • 231 subscribers in Google Reader at 0.5 posts/week
  • Twitter – @LewisShepherd: 3,687

TechCocktail by Frank Gruber and Jen Consalvo

  • Alexa Rank #61,955 – “Compared with the overall internet population, Techcocktail.com appeals more to users who are high-income”
  • 137 subscribers in Google Reader at 15.4 posts/week
  • Website worth: $35,600
  • Twitter – @Techcocktail: 6,763
  • Facebook likes: 4,176

Viget Labs by Brian Williams and Andy Rankin

  • Alexa Rank #28,793
  • 409 subscribers in Google Reader at 0.2 posts/week
  • Website worth: $58,004
  • Twitter – @Viget: 1,591
  • Facebook likes: 240

WomenWhoTech by Allyson Kapin

And for what it’s worth, a little evaluation of this site:

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No comments

  1. It must have taken a lot of work to create these lists. Thank you for taking the time.

    Even though I am listed, a lot of these data points aren’t really accurate. So for example Google Reader doesn’t report accurately as compared to Feedburner (another Gooogle product), which does not have an open API. Alexa traffic may be an indicator of hits, but not traffic, meaning bounce rates, etc. Consider post frequency, post rank, etc. Twitter followers don’t equate to engagement and conversation, and Klout or Twittergrader also miss relative influence.

    My point is that ranking on one data point a lone probably isn’t accurate. Consider the Ad Age 150 metric, which uses four data points and one subjective point to garner a ranking: http://adage.com/power150/. The Ad Age 150 is constantly shredded by marketers for inaccuracies, but is still the defacto standard.

    What really matters is if your clients or the people you want to converse with are conversing with you. Lists in the end are fun to look at, but matter very little to real business.

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