Art, icons, and posters of Occupy Wall Street

This project and this movement is about mobilizing the masses and nothing is more important than numbers when it comes to a protest’s strength and longevity. That is why we are providing everyone with free downloadable posters, graciously provided by graphic designers around the country, to not only promote this site and efforts down on …

Shepard Fairey discusses how he came up with artwork for Time's Protester of the Year

I’m happy with this Time cover mostly because I’m proud to help acknowledge and amplify the influence of protest movements this year, especially Occupy Wall Street. Exposure leads to dialogue, and I’m glad that the issues Occupy is concerned with are finally being discussed. With the cover image I wanted to capture the dedication and …

Shepard Fairey discusses how he came up with artwork for Time’s Protester of the Year

I’m happy with this Time cover mostly because I’m proud to help acknowledge and amplify the influence of protest movements this year, especially Occupy Wall Street. Exposure leads to dialogue, and I’m glad that the issues Occupy is concerned with are finally being discussed. With the cover image I wanted to capture the dedication and …