Video: North Pole shrinks to record levels, could be gone in 4 years

  This animation shows the 2012 time-series of ice extent. The black area represents the daily average (median) sea ice from 1979-2000. Layered over are the daily satellite measurements from January 1 — September 14, 2012. A rapid melt begins in July, whereby the 2012 ice extents fall far below the historical average.   This …

Photos – parachutist breaks speed of sound in free-fall, planets in the sky, glaciers


The Army’s secret Arctic underground nuclear base in Greenland

No, this picture doesn’t show a black and white image of the rebel base on the ice planet Hoth. It’s part of a semi-secret, nuclear-powered U.S. Army base that was built under the Greenland ice cap only 800 miles from the North Pole. The base was officially built to conduct scientific research but the real …

Change your world view – maps with the North Pole as the center

Imagine the world with its center at the North Pole. Asia nearly touches North America, and Europe is a short Viking’s paddle from North America too. Add in the Winter ice and all the land masses connect. The view from space.     //Maps are from – Reading Teachers, Athropolis, and the National Science Foundation.