Say hello to OpenStreetMap – the Wikipedia of maps

In October 2011, Google finally revealed pricing for Google Maps services. Lightweight usage was still free…significant load volumes would begin to incur charges: basically, services and applications that generated more 25,000 map loads per day would be charged $10-$40 for every additional 1,000 map loads. For businesses put off by the new costs of Google Maps, …

Marine Protected Area – MPA – saving our coasts with science and conservation

Marine Protected Areas are regions in which human activity has been placed under some restrictions in the interest of conserving the natural environment. This can include limitations on development, fishing practices, fishing seasons and catch limits, moorings, bans on removing or disrupting marine life of any kind. In some situations MPA’s also provide revenue for countries, often of equal …

Genetic evidence: the Amygdala determines if you’re gay or hetero

In my recent study of the Amygdala, a brain structure that accounts for much of the in-fighting in couples, I found something possibly more interesting. Brain scans of this region have found that gay males have similar patterns as hetero females, and vice versa, gay females exhibit a patterns similar to hetero males. This is …

Genetic evidence: the Amygdala determines if you're gay or hetero

In my recent study of the Amygdala, a brain structure that accounts for much of the in-fighting in couples, I found something possibly more interesting. Brain scans of this region have found that gay males have similar patterns as hetero females, and vice versa, gay females exhibit a patterns similar to hetero males. This is …

Changing the Ratio (Wikipedia’s Battle for Diversity – Part III)

Commence beating the figurative dead horse. As I’ve written previously, (here, here and here) Wikipedia is suffering from a lack of female contributors (less than 1 in 10 editors are women, per the 2011 Wikimedia survey). This has the unfortunate consequence of compromising the overall quality and objectivity of its content, as illustrated in my post, How I Redefined …

Changing the Ratio (Wikipedia's Battle for Diversity – Part III)

Commence beating the figurative dead horse. As I’ve written previously, (here, here and here) Wikipedia is suffering from a lack of female contributors (less than 1 in 10 editors are women, per the 2011 Wikimedia survey). This has the unfortunate consequence of compromising the overall quality and objectivity of its content, as illustrated in my post, How I Redefined …

How I Redefined “Man” For The World (Wikipedia’s Battle for Diversity – Part II)

For more than two years, if you visited the Man page in Wikipedia, you would have found the following section outlining (7) characteristics of masculinity in general culture…

How I Redefined "Man" For The World (Wikipedia's Battle for Diversity – Part II)

For more than two years, if you visited the Man page in Wikipedia, you would have found the following section outlining (7) characteristics of masculinity in general culture…

Women Who Wiki Workshop

There’s an old proverb: Action is the proper fruit of knowledge – which is why 1X57 is offering a free workshop (drawing upon our days of running training for the Intellipedia Sabbatical) in DC next week for women and girls to learn how to edit and contribute to Wikipedia. Less than 13% of the Wikipedia editors …

Wikipedia: Gateway Platform to More Girls in Tech?

Ever since the Wikimedia Foundation announced its goal to raise the share of female contributors to Wikipedia 25 percent by 2015, I’ve had it in my head to make sure my 11-year old niece is adding her voice to the collective knowledge of the world. It was with this goal of lighting the next generation’s …