Ancient Roman beads in Japan Glass jewellery believed to have been made by Roman craftsmen has been found in an ancient tomb in Japan, researchers said Friday, in a sign the empire’s influence may have reached the edge of Asia. Tests have revealed three glass beads discovered in the Fifth Century “Utsukushi” burial mound in Nagaoka, …
Tag Archives: rome
On the grounds of the Villa Medici in Rome with gods, gardens, and great art (photos)
I don’t know what to say about this…I was visiting the website of the French Academy in Rome and then accidentally closed the window. When I re-opened it a new beautiful picture was staring at me. I kept refreshing the page and found 8 more beautiful pictures. The building is called the Villa Medici located …
Podcasts Are Saving My Life
I’m such a huge fan of podcasts that it’s insane. See I have this eye problem that prevents me from reading too much. My day job is in technology and my hobby is writing so I have no ‘good eyes’ left for everything else. That’s where podcasts come in. I can listen to them while …