We’ve written a number of stories about police officers interfering with citizens who are trying to record the actions of police in public places. In some cases, cops have arrested citizens for making recordings in public. In others, they’ve seized cell phones and deleted the recordings. The courts and the Obama administration have both said that these activities violate the Constitution. And …
Tag Archives: police
Teddy Bears are banned in Belarus – so democracy activists fly them in
On Thursday, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko confirmed that a small aircraft piloted by democracy activists had violated Belarusian airspace in July when it crossed over from Lithuania. The aircraft was carrying a cargo of teddy bears, which parachuted into the Belarusian capital, Minsk, on July 4. Lukashenko was peeved at his military commanders and air traffic control …
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Arrested drunk guy sings Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody
// Thx – Darin R. McClure
Professors fight crime with math – using data to predict crime ‘hot spots’
I love this story on ‘predictive policing’. Researchers use data to predict “hot spots” for crime and then send it over to the police. The cops on the beat patrol those areas more often and crime drops. Math for the win. The best way to fight crime is to keep it from happening in the …
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Congress orders FAA to integrate drones into the U.S. aviation system
As the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration prepares to let civilian unmanned aircraft operate in domestic airspace, universities including Embry-Riddle have created majors in flying and building drones. Enrollment is accelerating as students look for new opportunities in an aviation job market pummeled by airline bankruptcies. The drone industry, estimated worldwide at $5.9 billion annually, will …
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The new W hotel in Paris – brings in the invisible crime-scene art of Zevs
If you’re a fan of W hotels then the new W Paris Opéra is going to delight you. Among the many artists brought in to remodel the 1870s Haussmann era building was French artist Zevs, known for his style of “exploring not what is seen, but what is left to the imagination.” For the Suite 112 installation, Zevs worked …
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Crime Lineup from the 1930's – Los Angeles Police Department (photo)
May 9, 1936: Suspects line up during a Los Angeles Police Department “show-up,” now known as a lineup, as victims or witnesses try to identify alleged crime perpetrators. via LA Times 130th Anniversary
Crime Lineup from the 1930’s – Los Angeles Police Department (photo)
May 9, 1936: Suspects line up during a Los Angeles Police Department “show-up,” now known as a lineup, as victims or witnesses try to identify alleged crime perpetrators. via LA Times 130th Anniversary