Short Film on the making of the Grammy awards and its history

I love these short films showing how the awards are made. Manufacturing is such a lost art in this country! Enjoy this one on the Grammy’s and its history. Music Voyager visited where the Grammy’s are made in Ridgeway, Colorado. Handcrafted by John Billings, the “Grammy Man”, his wife, and two employees, the Grammy award …

The making of an Oscar statuette: molding, buffing, and electroplating

There is an awesome video by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that takes you inside the factory in Chicago that makes the actual statue. It’s really well done and worth watching. To watch it you will have to visit the YouTube site because for some reason they disabled sharing on websites. The …

My Guide To The Sundance Film Festival

The first thing you need to know about Sundance is that it’s cheaper than you think. If you are like me then you imagined the event being all exclusive and haughty. On the contrary, the festival is low cost, lodging is plentiful, and the flights and car rentals are among the cheapest in America. The …