Times are changing – women afraid to get married, men more open to it

Times have changed and women are changing them. From Jezebel: A new study has found a possible reason for the much-vaunted decline in marriage: people are afraid of having to go through a divorce. And women are more likely than men to fear getting “trapped” in a relationship they can’t easily exit. And exiting is …

Men can wear shorts (and dress shorts with blazers, dress shirts, & brogues)

A fun article from the N.Y. Times, asking should men wear shorts? “No, no. I’m a grown-up.” It’s a sentiment echoed by many style arbiters: men of a certain age and distinction, the thinking goes, cannot wear shorts and be taken seriously. This applies not only to the workplace, but also in social settings. I …

Be Informed: Who are Sikhs and what do they believe?

Sikhism, the world’s fifth most popular religion, emerged more than 500 years ago in Punjab, in what is now India. It was founded by Guru Nanak, a non-practicing Hindu who was against rituals and praying to idols. It is a monotheistic faith that believes in equality and service to others. Doing good deeds is important for …

3 of the 12 victims in the Aurora shooting died protecting their ladies

In the movies the Dark Knight does not always save his lady, but in the Aurora theater the story unfolded differently. The male instinct to rescue and protect kicked in the way it does in less complicated superhero tales. At least three of the 12 victims of the shooting died because they were physically protecting …

My Daguerreotype Boyfriend – handsome men of the 1800s

  The daguerreotype (phonetic: dəˈɡɛrətaɪp) was the first commercially successful photographic process. The image is a direct positive made in the camera on a silvered copper plate. – Wikipedia  

Apple Adds Gay and Lesbian Couple Icons to iOS 6

The new version of Apple’s iPhone operating system comes with new emojis, the popular emoticons that are often used in texting and email, especially by young kids and nerdy adults like me. Two of these new pictograms represent gay and lesbian couples for the first time. The icons are placed next to the previous relationship-related emojis …

Life Expectancy rises 0.9 years for whites, 2 years for blacks

A recent report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, based on data from 2008, shows a few interesting changes. African-americans are catching up in terms of long life, though still behind. Both white men and women increased their average life expectancy by 0.9 years. African-american men increased theirs by 2 years and …

Most Beautiful Men of Surfing: Valentine's Day Eye Candy For The Ladies

If living in Southern California and becoming entrenched in the world of surfing has taught me one thing, it’s that surfers are a beautiful lot. Here are some of my favorites…   Owen Wright Australian. 21. 6’3”. Laid-back, sweet demeanor. Killer smile. And an Australian accent to boot. What more can a girl ask for?         …

Most Beautiful Men of Surfing: Valentine’s Day Eye Candy For The Ladies

If living in Southern California and becoming entrenched in the world of surfing has taught me one thing, it’s that surfers are a beautiful lot. Here are some of my favorites…   Owen Wright Australian. 21. 6’3”. Laid-back, sweet demeanor. Killer smile. And an Australian accent to boot. What more can a girl ask for?         …