Maps go underwater now as Google has added panoramic imagery of Hawaii, Australia, and the Philippines. From the Google Maps Blog: Find a sea turtle swimming among a school of fish, follow a manta ray and experience the reef at sunset. in the Great Barrier Reed. At Apo Island, a volcanic island and marine reserve in …
Tag Archives: camera
Turn the flash on your Android, iPhone camera into a flashlight
My mom shared this app with me, and it’s so obvious – turning the camera’s flash into a light – I’m amazed I didn’t think of it before. It also looks funny because it’s so incredibly bright, almost blinding in the dark. But the best phrase is that it gives new meaning to the word …
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Sea Over Land – a 16mm travelogue in South Africa – surfing, elephants, and soccer
A beautiful short film by John Lynch set to the music of Sam Bauer – and the combination shines. From the filmmaker: I was so involved in my DSLR work, I had the impulse to look at some 16mm footage. To see what I used to shoot on my trusty old vintage 16mm …
Pocket microscope – turn a cellphone into a microscope for $10
The #1 innovation of 2011 – the pocket microscope – is a marvel of the cellphone age. For $10 a phone can be turned into a laboratory and offer poor areas – with no hospital – access to sophisticated medical tests. From The Scientist: Diagnosing malaria or other blood-borne illnesses used to require analyzing cell slides under …
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The photography of Aaron Goulding – peering inside the waves
If you want to peek inside the barrel or get up-close-and-personal with marine life, then you will love Aaron Goulding’s work. He loves grabbing those inside-the-tube shots and quiet ocean moments. But everyone wants a self-portrait of themselves catching a wave and in the barrel. Enjoy a few of his photos and visit his company JAG Media …
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Film night at the Surf Museum – ‘An Inside Look at Korduroy.TV’ (this Wednesday)
This Wednesday, the last of the movie nights at the California Surf Museum ends with “an inside look at Korduroy.TV”. Doors open at 6:15pm and the show starts at 7pm. More details via Surfline: The California Surf Museum is proud to highlight surf film-making in its non-traditional approach. Our final Big Wednesday film night will …
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Cell phone recording of police is ok – says Washington D.C. police chief, Cathy Lanier
We’ve written a number of stories about police officers interfering with citizens who are trying to record the actions of police in public places. In some cases, cops have arrested citizens for making recordings in public. In others, they’ve seized cell phones and deleted the recordings. The courts and the Obama administration have both said that these activities violate the Constitution. And …
My Daguerreotype Boyfriend – handsome men of the 1800s
The daguerreotype (phonetic: dəˈɡɛrətaɪp) was the first commercially successful photographic process. The image is a direct positive made in the camera on a silvered copper plate. – Wikipedia
Internet helps ‘this guy’ find his lost camera
A photograph showing the owner of a lost camera has gone viral Monday after being posted on Facebook, Reddit and other websites. Internet users are teaming up to put the camera back into the owner’s hands. Text on the viral photo reads, “This guy lost his camera with more than 2,800 photos in Amsterdam. Who …
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Images of the lunar surface from the Apollo 17 mission
In December of 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent about 75 hours on the Moon in the Taurus-Littrow valley, while colleague Ronald Evans orbited overhead. The image shows Schmitt on the left with the lunar rover at the edge of Shorty Crater, near the spot where geologist Schmitt discovered orange lunar …
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