The start-up marketplace is booming according to a new infograph from There was a 23.5% increase in job postings from 2010 to 2011. But, what types of jobs are they and where are they located? ** For the full infograph click on the image on the right. Where are the Jobs California (36.3 percent) …
Tag Archives: business
The case of the missing fish – why local seafood doesn’t exist
San Diego’s famous spiny lobsters are disappearing from…San Diego. It’s partially a simple case of supply and demand. Lobster lovers in other markets—from L.A. to China—have a bigger demand, and they’re willing to pay for it. “Our home consumer is getting priced out,” explains Catalina Offshore Products fishmonger Tommy Gomes. “A couple years ago, lobsters …
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Getting your attention is big business
Some interesting thoughts from Om Malik, founder of GigaOm, after their latest acquisition. He hints that while everyone can blog only certain websites can grab users attention and continue to do so. Media is the new Wild West We are quite strategic about our acquisitions — we acquire media entities only if we love the …
Dynamically priced seats – Baseball is using big data to improve ticket sales
“We work with half of baseball right now,” said Barry Kahn, CEO of Qcue, a company that helps teams sell dynamically priced tickets. That’s up from just four teams at the start of last season (2011). In all, 17 of 30 Major League teams will use dynamic pricing this season, according to Ticket News. via …
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10 Questions Couples Should Ask Each Other Before Getting Married
Yesterday, The New York Times posted Questions To Ask Before You Marry, which I then re-shared in Facebook, setting off an interesting debate. Several of my happily married friends laughed, saying it’s overly pedantic. Me, I like to be thorough about any type of investment or venture I pursue, especially when there’s a contract involved. What do …
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The new movie studios – $2.6 billion built from internet ads and online streaming
As 2012 rolls in…it appears the geeks have finally won. Multiple “internet-built studios” have announced they are committing big money to making movies and TV shows: Netflix – the big dog spends $2 billion annually and will spend $100 million this year on original content. Hulu – proving that ad revenues are a bankable business …
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A great debate on SOPA – understanding new business models and who is really losing money
Today, Wikipedia and hundreds of other sites are blacked out to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act, SOPA. It is a great effort and getting a ton of publicity, which is exactly what the goal was. The next step is education and progress. A great place to start is with this debate between Leo Laporte …
Artificial insemination and too-fat-to-fly – the real Thanksgiving turkey
Something scary is happening in the turkey world. Our scientists and farmers have created a Frankenstein-like beast called the broad breasted white. This creature is created in a lab, through artificial insemination, and then grows fat so fast that it often cannot walk. It usually needs antibiotics to survive to be butchered. Needless to say, …
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Do young Americans want to work?
As in, get a job? Despite all the haranguing on our economy and jobs market, why aren’t we talking more about the massive labor imbalance in our country? A recent Rutgers University survey of 571 Americans who graduated from college between 2006 and 2010 found that only 53% held full-time jobs. And yet, it’s not hard to …
Are cars causing Global Warming?
I often hear folks complain about cars and the pollution they cause. This seemed a little off so I did some investigating. Out of all the ways to go green, including reducing energy use, buying green products, and driving less… Which one is the best for the environment? The EPA keeps a tally …