“It’s never too late to improve our health. There’s a lot you can do”

“Take a proactive approach to active aging,” she recommended, noting there are simple preventive ways to slow down the progression of chronic health conditions, which in turn will allow people to lead more independent lives and lean less on informal caregivers.

I found a great article on aging called, The self-reliant senior. Among the many points it covers the most important are that depression is a rising problem for those that are aging, and 80% have a chronic health issue.

This is definitely a part of the aging process but there are things that can be done. Quality of life improvements that help not only the parent but the child/caregiver.

Here they are from the We Care – Get Going group of Canada:

Some of the simple things Canadians can do, the booklet points out, include:

  • Get eating. As we age, our bodies change and so should our nutrition. Eat wisely. Plan and prepare healthy meals.
  • Get active. Walking, stretching and keeping your muscles in good condition can help you maintain your independence.
  • Get involved. Give back to the community by volunteering -it’s good for you, those you help, and the community around you.
  • Get happy. Depression and loneliness can be triggered by the death of a partner or close friend, physical illnesses and operations, and even certain medications. That’s why staying socially connected is so important to healthy, active aging.
photo by Jon Rawlinson

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