Pacific Standard Time's last hurrah for the exhibit – Lost and Found

I will be sad to see the Pacific Standard Time exhibitions go. For the past few months 60+ institutions all over California have been showing off the best native works from 1945-1980. The pieces below are from the Robert Berman Gallery in Santa Monica’s Bergamot Station, on display until the end of this year, December …

Brief History of Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus

AD 280 The man we’ve come to identify at St. Nicholas was born in the third century in what is now Turkey. He eventually became a bishop in the early church and was known for helping the poor and the sick and for being a protector of sailors and children. Tales of his good works, …

Account of a Visit From St. Nicholas

from The Troy Sentinel, December 23, 1823, p. 3 We know not to whom we are indebted for the following description of that unwearied patron of children–that homely, but delightful personification of parental kindness–SANTE CLAUS, his costume and his equipage, as he goes about visiting the fire-sides of this happy land, laden with Christmas bounties; …

Jimmy Stewart takes his oath to fight in World War II (photo)

March 22, 1941: A group of 41 men, including actor Jimmy Stewart, in the foreground wearing the solid black tie, takes the oath to enter the Army. Stewart was the first top-ranked Hollywood star to enter military service during the United States’ mobilization before World War ll. via LA Times 130th Anniversary  

Will books ever be the same again? – the best enhanced e-books of 2011 from iTunes Rewind

What is an enhanced book? An enhanced book is an e-book that includes special features, such as: Videos Audio/music Interactive sections (like animated maps) Gigabytes of photos/illustrations Multiple storylines with quests and achievements Expanded annotations (like whole speeches) They are designed for tablets like the Kindle Fire and Apple’s iPad. On a personal note, these …

Winter watercolor – a beautiful illustration of a pretty girl

Pen, ink, watercolor. Winter inspired ink drawing for the cold days that have dominated our December. This drawing is based on one of my student assistants. It is a relatively quick portrait sketch. The fun part is working with a model that has large expressive-eyes. The addition of a “fur” neck-warmer seemed to balance out …