A set of beautiful pictures of Virginia vineyards from Silverthorn Films (copyrighted).
Monthly Archives: February 2011
Nerd Culture Dominates the World
In an interesting twist, Amy was asked to do an interview for a special feature on science and technology for Brazilian television (TV Globo). The topic was nerd culture in America. We both loved talking with Brazilians about “The Social Network” and especially Luiz’s interview style. The title of the segment was: Cultura nerd domina …
The Best in Virginia Wines – My Top 10
This best of Virginia wine top 10 list is pulled from my experiences living in and around Virginia for the last 5 years. It includes local sources, tips from vineyard owners, top chefs, and important local critics. Enjoy! – 1. Any list has to start with the Norton grape. Widely considered to be America’s only …
A New Design for 1X57
A little over three years ago Amy and I were walking the streets of DC talking about starting a business. After working together for two years, side by side, day-in, day-out, we realized anything we did individually paled in comparison to what we could do together. Despite butting heads on numerous occasions and dealing with myriad complications, unknowns, …
Democracy In The World
With democratic revolutions spreading from Tunisia to Egypt, I was wondering…how many democracies exist in the world? 26 According to the 2010 Democracy Index, a report published by the Economic Intelligence Unit, a division of The Economist magazine. Seventeen of them in Europe, two in Latin America, two in Asia, one in Africa, and the last …